
Revolutionizing Agriculture: Harnessing The Power of Genomics

20 juin 2023
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Professor. Robert Henry


Professor. Xiaolei Liu


Dr. Shangtong Li


SpaTial Enhanced REsolution Omics-sequencing New Frontiers of Spatial Multi-omics
SpaTial Enhanced REsolution Omics-sequencing New Frontiers of Spatial Multi-omics
SpaTial Enhanced REsolution Omics-sequencing New Frontiers of Spatial Multi-omics

Revolutionizing Agriculture Genomics with Targeted Sequencing and Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing


In today's ever-evolving world, agriculture faces numerous challenges. With a growing global population and increasing environmental concerns, the need for innovative solutions in agriculture has never been greater. Genomics, the study of an organism's complete set of genes, has emerged as a powerful tool to revolutionize agriculture. In this blog, we will explore two groundbreaking genotyping technologies—Targeted Sequencing and Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing—and their role in enhancing breeding programs. We will also discuss MGI sequencers, which are recommended for these techniques, and their potential to drive genomics research in agriculture.

The Power of Genomics in Agriculture:

Genomics is transforming agriculture by providing insights into an organism's genetic makeup. It enables scientists and breeders to make informed decisions, accelerate breeding programs, and develop superior crops and livestock. Here are some key ways genomics is reshaping agriculture:

  1. Improved Breeding Programs:

    • Genomic data helps identify desirable traits and select promising candidates for breeding.

    • DNA markers associated with specific traits offer valuable insights, aiding breeders in making informed decisions.

  2. Disease Resistance:

    • Genomic analysis identifies genes associated with disease resistance, leading to crops and livestock with increased immunity.

    • Reduced reliance on pesticides and chemicals promotes eco-friendly farming practices.

  3. Optimized Resource Utilization:

    • Genomics supports the development of crops that require fewer resources like water and fertilizer while maintaining high yields.

    • Precision agriculture, guided by genomics, tailors farming practices to specific crop needs, reducing waste.

  4. Crop Wild Relatives (CWRs):

    • Genomics explores the genetic diversity of CWRs, unlocking valuable traits to improve crop varieties.

  5. Diverse Crop Improvement:

    • Genomics benefits not only major crops but also minor and regionally important crops, contributing to regional food security.

Targeted Sequencing: Precision Genotyping for Agriculture:

Targeted Sequencing is a genotyping technology that provides an effective and affordable solution for genotyping large populations in agriculture. Here's why it's gaining prominence:

  1. Accuracy and Cost-Effectiveness:

    • Targeted Sequencing focuses on specific genomic regions of interest, allowing for accurate detection of relevant genetic variants.

    • This technology offers affordability, making it feasible for breeders to genotype large sample sizes.

  2. Flexibility in Panel Design:

    • Breeders can customize sequencing panels to include regions of the genome associated with their target traits.

    • Panels can be easily adapted as breeding priorities evolve.

  3. Comprehensive Genomic Coverage:

    • While targeting specific regions, Targeted Sequencing panels can cover a significant portion of the genome.

    • This enables the identification of numerous genetic variants, enhancing breeding programs.

Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing: Unlocking the Entire Genome:

Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing is another game-changing technology that combines affordability with comprehensive genomic coverage. Here's why it's gaining traction in agriculture:

  1. Affordability and Scalability:

    • Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing significantly reduces the cost per sample, making it suitable for large-scale breeding programs.

    • Breeders can sequence a substantial number of individuals without breaking the budget.

  2. Comprehensive Genome Exploration:

    • Unlike targeted approaches, Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing covers the entire genome.

    • This enables breeders to investigate genetic variants across the genome, providing insights into various traits.

  3. Identification of Novel Traits:

    • By sequencing the whole genome, breeders can identify novel genetic variations associated with desirable traits.

    • This technology has the potential to unlock previously undiscovered genetic resources.

MGI Sequencers: Powering Genomic Research in Agriculture

To harness the potential of genomics in agriculture, researchers and breeders require advanced DNA sequencing technologies. MGI sequencers have emerged as pivotal instruments in agricultural genomics research, offering powerful solutions for genotyping. Here's why MGI sequencers are at the forefront of genomics research in agriculture:

  1. Cost-Effective Sequencing:

    • MGI sequencers have become more affordable, making genomic research cost-effective.

    • This affordability allows researchers to sequence a larger number of samples, facilitating comprehensive genetic studies in agriculture.

  2. Long-Read Sequencing:

    • MGI sequencers offer both short and long-read sequencing options, providing flexibility for various research needs.

    • Long-read sequencing is particularly valuable for assembling complex genomes with accuracy and completeness.

  3. Chromosome-Level Assemblies:

    • MGI sequencers, combined with advanced assembly software, enable the generation of chromosome-level genome assemblies.

    • Complete genomes offer a detailed understanding of an organism's genetic makeup, aiding in the identification of valuable traits.

  4. High-Quality Genomic Data:

    • MGI sequencers deliver high-quality sequencing data, ensuring the reliability of genomic analyses.

    • Researchers can confidently use this data for tasks like genetic prediction, marker-assisted selection, and identifying genes of interest.



Advancing Agricultural Genomics

MGI's DNBSEQ-T7 is revolutionizing agricultural genomics with its efficient sequencing capabilities. Ideal for Targeted Sequencing and Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing, it offers breeders and researchers a powerful tool for comprehensive trait analysis and rapid breeding advancements.

Targeted Sequencing and Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing in Agriculture:

Let's delve deeper into how Targeted Sequencing and Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing are making a difference in agriculture:

Targeted Sequencing in Agriculture:

  • Trait-Specific Panels: Breeders can create customized panels targeting specific genomic regions associated with desired traits, such as disease resistance, yield, or stress tolerance.

  • Highly Accurate Genotyping: Targeted Sequencing offers precise genotyping, ensuring that only relevant genetic variants are considered in breeding decisions.

  • Adaptability: Panels can be updated to include new markers or regions of interest, accommodating evolving breeding priorities.

  • Accelerated Breeding: Breeders can quickly identify superior candidates for breeding programs, reducing the time required to develop new crop or livestock varieties.

Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing in Agriculture:

  • Comprehensive Genomic Insights: Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing covers the entire genome, allowing breeders to explore genetic variants associated with multiple traits simultaneously.

  • Cost-Effective Large-Scale Genotyping: This approach is ideal for breeding programs with extensive populations, enabling the genotyping of a large number of individuals cost-effectively.

  • Exploration of Novel Traits: By sequencing the entire genome, breeders may discover novel genetic variations linked to traits of interest, expanding the genetic resources available for breeding.

  • Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS): Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing facilitates GWAS, helping identify genetic markers associated with specific traits.


The field of agriculture is undergoing a genomics revolution, with Targeted Sequencing and Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing playing pivotal roles. These technologies offer cost-effective and comprehensive genotyping solutions for breeders, researchers, and organizations working towards enhancing agriculture. When paired with advanced MGI sequencers, genomics research in agriculture becomes even more accessible and impactful. With the potential to accelerate breeding programs, improve crop and livestock traits, and address global food security challenges, genomics is poised to shape the future of agriculture for generations to come. Embrace the power of genomics and MGI sequencers to make agriculture more efficient, sustainable, and predictable.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended for use in diagnostic procedures. MGI products mentioned are for research use only.



Precision Genotyping in Agriculture

The DNBSEQ-G400 stands out in the field of agriculture genomics, perfectly suited for Targeted Sequencing and Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing. Its versatility and high-quality data output make it essential in breeding programs and large-scale genotyping, contributing significantly to agricultural innovation and sustainability.


Professor. Robert Henry - QAAFI
Professor. Robert Henry - QAAFI

Professor. Robert Henry

Professor @QAAFI University

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Professor. Xiaolei Liu -@Huazhong Agricultural University
Professor. Xiaolei Liu -@Huazhong Agricultural University

Professor. Xiaolei Liu

Professor at Huazhong Agricultural University

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Dr. Shangtong Li
Dr. Shangtong Li

Dr. Shangtong Li

CEO Glibizzia Biosciences

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Panel Breeding

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